Sunday, August 8, 2010

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Week 11: Project Proposal

Attached is a copy of the Final Project proposal in partial fulfillment of the deliverables for the Applications in GIS (Week 11) assignment.

Project Proposal

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Week 10: Homeland Security (Protect)

Attached are the four deliverables for the Week 10 assignment.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Week 8: Analyzing Crime in Washington, D.C.

After geocoding a database of police station locations to the georeferenced shapefiles for Washington DC, a basemap was produced to show police stations, crimes, roads (primary highways only), and census block groups. A graph of total crimes is presented as well.

In the second map, buffers were created at o.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mile intervals from each police station. The objective here is to then compare the incidence of crime and it's proximity to the nearest police station. The map shows that the southernmost census blocks in Washington DC have crime that occurs at a distance greater than 2.0 miles from the nearest police station. The inference here would be that it would be prudent to establish an additional police station facility in the southernmost zone of the municipality.

After separating three crime types (burglary, homicide, and sex abuse), density maps were produced using the Kernel Density operation in the Spatial Analyst toolbox.

Similarly, density maps were produced for Auto Theft after each auto theft incident was categorized into a group "morning", "afternoon",
"evening", and "night". The resulting density maps show that the greatest incidence of auto theft is during the evening block (6:00 pm to midnight).

PowerPoint Presentation

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Week 7: St. Johns County, FL home site selection

The attached maps and PowerPoint presentation are a part of a set of GIS analyses intended to help two new Florida residents to identify the part of St. Johns county in which to purchase a home. The decision is based on distance from Ponte Vedra Beach, Flagler Hospital, proximity to horse farms in rural or low density areas, and census tracts with median age 40-50. A weighted overlay of the selected parameters was intended but technical difficulties on the Terminal Server prevented this action.

PowerPoint Presentation

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Week 6: Homing in on Alachua County, FL

This blog contains three maps and a hyperlink to a Project Summary. The first map shows a base map for Alachua County including places, roads, and recreation areas.

The second map layout shows four map insets that delineate Euclidean distances from the North Florida Regional Medical Center and University of Florida, Percentage of population in 40-49 year age range (by census tract), and median house value (by census tract).

The third map shows the weighted overlays for ranking of the four house selection parameters. In the first case, the four parameters were assigned equivalent ranking (25:25:25:25), while in the second case, the Euclidean distances to the hospital and university were each assigned a ranking of 40% and the two other parameters were each assigned a ranking of 10%.

Project Summary

Here are modifications of map 2 and map 3 to be more "colorful". Initially, I created the maps to follow a color trend (an intensity ramp), but I wanted to try this to for effectiveness.